We provide development solutions that are


user friendly





King Neptune statue in Virginia Beach

Boost Your Business

Tired of struggling to get noticed online? Oceanfront Creative, your Virginia Beach neighbor, can help! We're not just web designers, we're growth partners for small businesses just like yours. How can Oceanfront Creative help you?

Eye-catching websites that wow your customers on any device.

Targeted marketing plans that drive traffic and get you real results, not just empty analytics.

Supercharged SEO to put your business at the top of Google, where new customers find you.

Seamless user experiences that keep visitors clicking and buying.

Ongoing support so you can focus on what matters most - running your business.



Imagine customers instantly remembering your brand and choosing you over your competitors. We make that happen by crafting a unique visual identity that resonates with your ideal audience. We provide all design services relating to imagery and video including logo design and video editing.

UX Research

Understanding your audience is pivotal when looking to increase website conversions and retaining traffic. We can help you do that by conducting user research to identify and fix gaps in your user's journey to improve website interactions, checkout conversions, or email sign-ups!

UX Designer looking at prototypes


Web Development & Design

The development phase is where your vision comes to life...let Oceanfront Creative handle it. Whether your business is struggling with a limited online presence, the difficulty of managing and updating content, converting traffic to customers, or a the hardship of a dated website itself. We're here to alleviate these problems.

Some of our development objectives include:

Responsive Design Serving your website with the mobile user in mind is priority one for responsive design, but we can also help formulate entirely different experiences depending on the device size.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) During development, the markup of your website will be structured to ensure compliance with search engine protocols for speed, usability, and accessibility which in turn improve your ranking and visibility.
Quality Assurance Debugging We will ensure your website functions as expected through numerous rounds of debugging and quality assurance checks through difference scenarios, use cases, and devices.
Man using a tabley to zoom in on a product


Event Tracking

We use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track traffic acquisition, user behavior, and event activity on your website in compliance with GDPR standards. This data helps us understand how users are interacting with your site, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that your site is performing at its best.

How do we use this data?

Identify Popular Content We can see which pages are driving the most traffic to your site and which content is resonating most with your users so what you deliver is engaging and desirable by your audience.
Interpret User Behavior We can track how users are moving through your site, where they are clicking, and how long they are staying on each page. This information can help you improve the user experience for your website.
Track Conversions We can track key events on your site, such as form submissions, button clicks, and purchases. This information can help you measure the success of online marketing and utilize what works and drop what doesn't!
Woman using her computer to look up charts about her website performance
View of the beach with the Chesapeake Bridge in the background
A vector graphic of a sailboat

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